Titre: Performance modeling and dimensioning of latency-critical traffic in 5G networks Abstract: We propose a new performance model for transport of time-critical Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC) traffic in…
Titre: Performance modeling and dimensioning of latency-critical traffic in 5G networks Abstract: We propose a new performance model for transport of time-critical Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC) traffic in…
L'Ecole doctorale : Ecole Doctorale de l'Institut Polytechnique de Pariset le Laboratoire de recherche SAMOVAR présentent l’AVIS DE SOUTENANCE de Monsieur Aina Toky RASOAMANANA Autorisé à présenter ses travaux en…
Titre: Job Recommandation on Real-World Interaction Data With Heterogeneous Graphs Abstract: Recruiting changed drastically with the emergence of professional social networks that bring together many people and companies. In this…
Séminaire R3S présenté par Francesco Bronzino, MC à ENS de Lyon et membre du labo. LIP le 31/05/2023 à 11h00 à Palaiseau Speaker: Francesco Bronzino MC à l' École normale…
Speaker: Badis Hammi, Associate professor (EPITA Engineering School, France) When: Wednesday May 10th, 15h45 CEST Where: Zoom ( Title: Is it really easy to detect sybil attacks in C-ITS environments…
Nom de l'orateur: Dr. Azrina Abd Aziz , Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), Malaysia Date du séminaire: le jeudi 4 mai 2023, à 15h30 Lieu: Telecom SudParis, Evry (salle C06) Titre: Topology…
Nom de l'orateur: Dr. Mohd Zuki Yusoff , Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), Malaysia Date du séminaire: le jeudi 4 mai 2023, à 14h30 Lieu: Telecom SudParis, Evry (salle C06) Titre:…
Speaker: Khaled Serag, Research Assistant, Purdue University, Department of Computer Science. When: Thursday April 20th, 14h CEST Where: Zoom ( Title: Vulnerability Identification and Defense Construction in Cyber-Physical Systems Abstract:…
Speaker: Aris Kanellopoulos, postdoctoral fellow (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) When: Wednesday April 19h, 11h CEST Where: Zoom ( Title: Control and Game-Theoretic Methods for Secure Cyber-Physical Systems Abstract:…
Speaker: Khurram Bhatti, Associate Prof. (ITU, Lahore) & Adjunct Faculty (UBS, Lorient) When: Thursday April 20th, 9h30 CEST Where: Zoom ( Title: Whispering Devices — The Case of Microarchitectural Vulnerabilities,…