Séminaire « Rule-based Approach for Physical Activity Recommendation »

SĂ©minaire Samovar le lundi 27 mai Ă  14h30 en A06 Speaker: Dr Hamid Mukhtar Title: Rule-based Approach for Physical Activity Recommendation Abstract: Research has found that relatively few people engage

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« De l’utilisation du codage reseau et du multicast pour amĂ©liorer la performance dans les rĂ©seaux filaires »

soutenance de thĂšse de Yuhui Wang, "De l'utilisation du codage reseau et du multicast pour amĂ©liorer la performance dans les rĂ©seaux filaires", le Vendredi 17 Mai 2013 Ă  11h00 à

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SĂ©minaire SAMOVAR « XtRoSense – Extroversion Sensing on Smartphones »

vendredi 26 avril 2013 à 14h00 en salle A006 à TELECOM SudParis Evry Dr. Petteri Nurmi, University of Helsinki, Finland Seminar Title: XtRoSense – Extroversion Sensing on Smartphones Abstract :

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Séminaire SAMOVAR « What Matters to Me? Creating Personalized SoLoMo Recommendations »

lundi 29 avril 2013 14h30 salle BL006 Alvin CHIN, NOKIA (Researcher on Mobile social network) présentera "What Matters to Me? Creating Personalized SoLoMo Recommendations" Alvin CHIN is Senior Researcher, Xpress

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The International Workshop on Secure Smart Objects 2013, 20-23 August 2013, China

co-located with IEEE iThings/CPSCom/GreenCom 2013 August 19-22, 2013, Beijing, China Call for Paper (deadline April 28, 2013) With the emergence of new information and communication technologies, smart objects combined with

Continuer la lectureThe International Workshop on Secure Smart Objects 2013, 20-23 August 2013, China

“Ontology Based Context Modeling and Reasoning using OWL” by Daqing Zhang, granted the Ten Years CoMoRea Impact Paper award

in IEEE PerCom 2013, San Diego, USA. PerCom is the premier conference in Pervasive Computing and Communication with an acceptance rate of 10.6% this year. The paper was published in

Continuer la lecture“Ontology Based Context Modeling and Reasoning using OWL” by Daqing Zhang, granted the Ten Years CoMoRea Impact Paper award

Séminaire SAMOVAR « Secure Smart Objects: Issues and Research trends »

SAMOVAR : Séminaire "Secure Smart Objects: Issues and Research trends" présenté par Samia Bouzefrane, CNAM le mardi 19 mars 2013 à 14h00 en salle C06 Résumé : La prolifération des

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