[ICE] Seminaire ICE, mardi 14 mars à 13h30 : « Recent advances in submarine systems »

Le prochain séminaire mensuel du département « Information, Communications, Electronique » d’IP Paris aura lieu mardi 14 mars, à 13h30.Il se tiendra à Télécom Paris (Palaiseau), amphi 4

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Vous trouverez ci-dessous le thème du séminaire ainsi qu’une biographie de l’orateur.

Recent advances in submarine systems

Departement Head Optical Transmissions Systems, NOKIA Bell Labs

Mardi 14 mars à 13h30, amphi 4

To sustain the ceaseless traffic growth in optical fiber communications, submarine optical transport systems constitute the backbone infrastructure for telecommunications operators and web-scale players around the globe, with 99% of trans-continental data carried over undersea communication systems. Capacities in undersea systems have increased by 5 orders of magnitude since their first deployments. Maximizing the per-fiber capacity through the continual increase of per channel bit-rate has been the historical trend in submarine systems., primarily thanks to the advent of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technologies and coherent systems.that enabled to boost the spectral efficiency through the introduction of channel coding innovations Recently, the increase of per fiber capacity has slowed down and new paradigms for subsea line system architectures have emerged to answer the demand for an exponential growth in throughput. The adoption of the spatial division multiplexing (SDM) strategy has reached a consensus in the subsea industry and has become the path toward Pb/s cables and beyond.in the coming years.


Dr. Jeremie RENAUDIER received his PhD degree in optical communications in 2006 from Telecom Paris, Paris, France and subsequently joined Bell Laboratories (former Alcatel-Lucent). He primarily worked on the disruptive approach of 100G subsea coherent systems and contributed to several multi-Terabit/s transmission records. Distinguished Member of Technical Staff with Bell Labs since 2014, he has been responsible for forward looking research on coherent systems including spectrally efficient modulation formats, advanced digital signal processing and coding, Tb/s-class transmissions and ultra-wideband systems. He now heads the department of Optical Transmission Systems at Nokia Bell Labs, Paris-Saclay. He has authored or co-authored over 200 articles and holds 35 patents. He is a senior member of the IEEE and serves as Technical Program Committee member of the IEEE European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) and the OSA Optical Fiber Communications (OFC) Conference.