Soutenance : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de Monsieur Badii JOUABER – Maître de conférences
Département Réseaux et Services Multimédia Mobiles – Télécom SudParis
– Mercredi 26 juin 2019 à 14h00
– Télécom SudParis – Amphi 11
« Cross Layer Optimizations for Wireless Networks: Applications to QoS, Mobility Management and Energy Efficiency »
Composition du jury :
– Guy PUJOLLE, Professeur – Sorbonne Université
– Pascal LORENZ Pascal, Professeur – Université de Haute-Alsace
– Yacine GHAMRI-DOUDANE, Professeur – Université de La Rochelle
– Véronique VEQUE, Professeure – Université Paris-Sud
– Antonella MOLINARO , Professeure associée – Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Italie
– Khaldoun AL AGHA, Professeur – Université Paris-Sud
This presentation will focus on our contributions regarding cross-layer optimization applied to medium access, resource allocation, Quality of Service (QoS), routing and mobility management over wireless networks.
The rapid growth and development of wireless technologies is a very fertile ecosystem for the emergence of new services and applications. A large set of networking solutions is available nowadays allowing the enhancement and the development of new services, for both professional and public sectors.
However, this rich context, gets along with a complex environment composed of heterogeneous interconnected systems, each of them being more or less adapted to specific services. For instance, different cellular network technologies are coexisting today, ranging from 2G to 4G and shortly 5G systems. The selection of the most appropriate access technology and possible service adaptations to deliver the most appropriate QoS depend on user’s context. This latter consists in a set of parameters that include, and not limited to, the required services and QoS levels, terminal capabilities, mobility pattern, radio conditions for each access technology as well as energy availability. In addition, network selection can be made per flow, at initial access or while moving (Vertical Handover). Within the heterogeneous radio environment, mobility management and decision-making, become complex processes that require gathering a large number of parameters and measurement from the different layers and entities of the environment. It follows that traditional optimization approaches based on layered models, where stringent separation between the different networking function are no more suitable. New architectures and approaches allowing more interactions and cooperation among networks and network entities are also required.
Although cross-layer optimization approaches are promising, one should be careful regarding their complexity and feasibility over real systems. For instance, parameters and measurements that can be gathered from different network entities or layers for decision-making can be manifold. Their number may be very large and these may have different time scales and may not be available at any time.
In this presentation, we mainly focus on cross layer optimization for performance issues over wireless networking systems. We were mainly interested in mobility management (as described above), routing, multicast services and energy efficiency over wireless sensor networks. Different approaches are applied or combined for multi-criteria optimization, including Game Theory and Fuzzy Logic.