Title: Global Software Engineering Best Practice
Presenter: Dr J Paul Gibson, Dept. INF, TSP, SAMOVAR
Date/Time: jeudi 3 octobre de 14h30 à 16h
Location: TSP, Room G10
Recent years have seen a significant rise in the amount of software that is developed in a global fashion (with teams distributed by location, time, language and culture). The teaching of software engineering needs to be adapted and updated to better match the needs of Global Software Engineering (GSE) in industry.
We report on the results of an EU Knowledge Alliance project (HUBLINKED – http://www.hublinked.eu/) concerned with establishing a set of best practices for global software engineering. We then extend this work to establish a set of best practices for the teaching of global software engineering.These include a review of tools and techniques that are key to its success – collaborative work environments, virtualisation, adaptive learning environments, and design thinking.