Séminaire ACMES présenté par Mlle Subashiny Tanigassalame, le 21/03/2019 à 14h en BL006

Subashiny Tanigassalame, doctorante en 1ère année de thèse, fera une présentation dans le cadre des séminaires ACMES le Jeudi 21 Mars à 14h en salle BL006.
Title: An actor based language for trusted execution environments

Abstract: TEE (Trusted Execution Environment) capable processor enforces privacy by ensuring that a data deployed by a user in the cloud can never leak the processor. Technically, a TEE capable processor encrypts the data of the user when the data leaves the processor to go to memory, which ensures that neither the administrator nor a privileged software like the operating system or hypervisor can access the data. Today, despite software development kits provided by the main CPU manufacturers, programming a TEE remains difficult. My PhD thesis concentrates on simplifying the use of TEEs for C language. An actor based programming model, EActors [1], is proposed in order to efficiently use a TEE. Based on EActors, we will propose a user-friendly domain specific language (DSL). The new DSL consists of generating the low-level details of the actors from annotated C language code.

[1] Sartakov, Vasily A. et al. “EActors: Fast and flexible trusted computing using SGX.” Middleware (2018).