Séminaire R3S présenté par Mme Nourhene Ellouze, le 26/03/2019 à 14h00 en A02

Le laboratoire Samovar accueille Madame Nourhene Ellouze (Université de Jendouba, Tunisie) le mardi 26 mars 2019 à 14h00 en A02, pour une présentation intitulée  » Human and Critical Infrastructure Surveillance: Security and Investigation Issues « .

Quand: le mardi 26 mars 2019 à 14h00
Où: Salle A02, à Télécom SudParis

Titre de la présentation:  » Human and Critical Infrastructure Surveillance: Security and Investigation Issues « .

Human and critical infrastructure surveillance applications refer to Information Technology solutions that are developed using Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) to monitor and control critical assets and detect suspicious events. These applications allow providing important services for sustaining the public safety, and the economic well-being. In this talk, we present two surveillance applications; namely, the water quality monitoring and the cardiac Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs).
The presentation is three-fold. First, we discuss the design of a water monitoring system allowing the provision of an accurate and uncostly localization of polluted areas. Such a system combines the use of mobile Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) systems. A set of techniques allowing the accurate detection and localization of pollution and the minimization of energy consumption, are also developed. In particular, we discuss a new scheme of distributed algorithmic developed for the collected data. Second, we address the design of a set of energy-aware security mechanisms allowing the protection of cardiac IMDs against security attacks. We develop an RFID-based energy harvesting solution. Also, we build a powerless authentication protocols suitable to cardiac IMDs and provide a solution for the protection against battery depletion attacks. Third, we address the digital investigation of lethal security attacks on cardiac IMDs. A digital investigation system tailored to cardiac IMDs, which allows identifying and reconstructing potential attack scenarios that caused a patient’s death, is discussed.

Présentation de Nourhene Ellouze



Dr. Nourhene Ellouze received her Ph.D. in Information and Communication Technologies from the Engineering School of Communications (SUP’Com), University of Carthage, Tunisia, in 2016.
She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Higher Institute of Applied Languages and Computer Sciences of Beja, University of Jendouba, Tunisia. She is conducting her research activities in the area of security of Implantable Medical Devices, digital forensic investigation, and Wireless Sensor Networks.