You are currently viewing Séminaire R3S présenté par le prof. Doudou Fall, du NAIST (Japon) le 5 février 2019 à 10h30 en G10

Séminaire R3S présenté par le prof. Doudou Fall, du NAIST (Japon) le 5 février 2019 à 10h30 en G10

Title: Fault (Vulnerability) Tree Analysis, the solution to all your security issues?

Abstract: Fault tree analysis (FTA) is a method that is used to prevent fault
occurrences in mission-critical systems such as nuclear power plants, aerospace
aircrafts, electricity grids, etc. FTA has a track-record of successfully helping experts
in the mentioned fields to prevent major accidents. In this seminar, I will show how
we can repurpose FTA into a Vulnerability Tree Analysis (VTA) to help prevent
cybersecurity attacks in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing, the
Internet of Things (IoT), and industrial control systems (ICS).


Biography: Doudou Fall is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Laboratory for Cyber Resilience, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST). His research interests revolve around quantifying the security risk of: cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Control Systems, and Cyber-Physical Systems. He also likes to play with security vulnerability data and the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). He is currently supervising several Ph.D. and masters students.