SafeFS: A Modular Architecture for Secure User-Spac File Systems (One FUSE to rule them all) — Valerio Schiavoni- 23/01/18 à 10h en C06

Le laboratoire Samovar accueille Valerio Schiavoni (Université de Neuchatel) le 23 janvier 2018, pour une présentation intitulée SafeFS: A Modular Architecture for Secure User-Space File Systems (One FUSE to rule them all). Ce papier a obtenu le best paper award à la conférence SYSTOR’17.

La conférence aura lieu à 10h dans la salle C06 du campus d’Évry de Télécom SudParis, et est ouverte à tous.


This talk presents SafeFS, a modular architecture based on software-defined storage principles featuring stackable building blocks that can be combined to construct a secure distributed file system. SafeFS allows users to specialize their data store to their specific needs by choosing the combination of blocks that provide the best safety
and performance tradeoffs. The file system is implemented in user space using FUSE and can access remote data stores. The provided building blocks notably include mechanisms based on encryption, replication, and coding, each implemented as independent layers. We implemented SafeFS and performed in-depth evaluation across a range of workloads. Results reveal that while each layer has a cost, one can build safe yet efficient storage architectures. Furthermore, the different combinations
of blocks sometimes yield surprising tradeoffs.

Dr Valerio Schiavoni currently works as lecturer at the University of Neuchatel. He received his PhD in Computer Science in 2014 from the same university under the supervision of Prof Pascal Felber. He acts as technical coordinator of the Competence Center in Big Data and Complex Systems. He’s involved in several EU-H2020 and Swiss FNS projects (SafeCloud, SecureCloud, Sinergia, etc). He’s the co-founder of
SafeCloud Technologies, a H2020 SafeCloud’s start-up. Previously, he worked as research engineer at INRIA-Rhone Alpes (team Sardes) with Prof Vivien Quema and Dr J.-B. Stefani. He obtained his BSc and MSc in Software Engineering from the University of Rome Tre in Italy, where he also worked at Chi Tech, a university start-up focused on automatic web crawling and data extraction.