You are currently viewing Séminaire R3S présenté par Ouassila Hoceini (3eme année de thèse) le 23 juin 2017, à Nano Innov Saclay (locaux IMT)

Séminaire R3S présenté par Ouassila Hoceini (3eme année de thèse) le 23 juin 2017, à Nano Innov Saclay (locaux IMT)

Titre : Usage des Blockchains dans la protection de la vie privée

présenté par Madame Ouassila Hoceini (3eme année de thèse)

Lieu : Nano Innov Saclay (locaux IMT)

Date: 23 Juin 2017, 10 heures

Using Block Chain to protect private data
Blockchain _the technology behind the digital asset and payment system Bitcoin_ is an emerging technology for decentralized and transactional data sharing across a large network of untrusted participants. Today Block chain is most discussed in the financial field. This Technology Shows Successful Results in financial and banking. But how we can best use this technology for protecting personal data?
We discuss the possibility of using Block Chain to protect personal and critical data, and we show some works presented in this topic.

Key words: Block chain, security, personal data, privacy.

Short biography :

PhD student at Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi Ouzou, Algeria. She works on security and privacy in Smart Cities. Currently, she is under an internship at Telecom Sud Paris (Franco-Algerian scholarship PROFAS B +). Her research works are directed by Professor H.Afifi of the RST department at Telecom Sud Paris.
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