You are currently viewing Séminaire SAMOVAR, 9 juin à 16h > An introduction to data center design

Séminaire SAMOVAR, 9 juin à 16h > An introduction to data center design

Le laboratoire Samovar organise un séminaire transverse vendredi 9 juin 2017 de 16h à 17h en G09 présenté par Timothy G. Griffin (University of Cambridge).

Ce séminaire est ouvert à tous (doctorants, enseignants-chercheurs).

Title: An introduction to data center design

Data centers have become key components of the Internet’s infrastructure.
This talk will present an overview of how data centers are designed and
implemented. An attempt will be made to clarify some of the (often confusing)
terminology associated with data centers (cloud computing, software defined
networking, network function virtualization). No prior knowledge will be

Short bio: BS in Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. PhD in Computer Science from Cornell University. Previous experience includes teaching at UNICAMP in Brazil and more than a dozen years at Bell Laboratories and AT&T Research. Joined the Computer Lab on January 1, 2005.

Contact: François Trahay