You are currently viewing Séminaire DigiCosme vendredi 4 décembre 2015, 14h30-15h30

Séminaire DigiCosme vendredi 4 décembre 2015, 14h30-15h30


Session du Groupe de Travail DigiCosme

« Performances, QoS et gestion de ressources des réseaux sans fil dynamiques »

Lieu : Amphi 33, bâtiment 862 – NanoInnov

Avenue de la Vauve


(GPS : N. 48°42,7575′, E. 02°11,5228′)

Entrée libre

14h30-15h30: Mr Tim Hall (National Institute of Standards and Technology – NIST, USA) – Titre : Preserving Privacy in Spectrum Sharing Systems

Abstract : There is a limited amount of spectrum available for use by wireless communications systems. Because of this, frequency bands that were reserved exclusively for government purposes, such as military and weather radar, are being opened up for sharing with commercial communications users. For example, in the United States, the 3550 – 3700 MHz band used by shipborne radar in coastal areas and fixed satellite systems (FSS) on land is being made available to both licensed and unlicensed users via centrally coordinated spectrum sharing. However, the spectrum coordination needed between the government incumbent and commercial users gives rise to several privacy concerns. I will introduce and motivate the spectrum sharing problem, present the architecture of a centrally-coordinated system for sharing and highlight the security and privacy threats. Following this, I will introduce obfuscation techniques along with metrics for evaluating their effectiveness and the tradeoff between privacy and spectrum efficiency.

Biography: Tim Hall is a researcher in the Wireless Networks Division of the Communications Technology Laboratory (CTL) at the U. S. National Institute of Standards of Technology (NIST). He received a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Delaware, with a concentration in signal processing and communications. He spent five years at a small company developing software for scientific and engineering applications before coming to NIST in 1999. At NIST he has worked on modeling and simulation, wireless networks, cryptography, conformance testing and project management. Currently his focus is on spectrum sharing in the 3.5 GHz band, specifically spectrum occupancy analysis and prediction, operational security for the Spectrum Access System (SAS) and design and implementation of the environmental sensing capability (ESC).