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Séminaire recherche à l’ENSIIE

Olga Grinchtein (Ericsson / Université d’Uppsala) rend visite à l’équipe CPR du 7 au 11 septembre 2015, à l’ENSIIE.

Elle donnera un séminaire le 10 septembre 2015 à 14h30 dans les locaux de l’ENSIIE en salle 123.

Je vous invite à participer à ce séminaire. Titre, résumé et bio sont détaillés ci-dessous.

N’hésitez pas à venir discuter avec elle durant la semaine si ce qu’elle fait vous intéresse.

Title: A constraint optimisation model for analysis of telecommunication protocol logs

Abstract: Testing a telecommunication protocol often requires protocol
log analysis. A protocol log is a sequence of messages with timestamps.
Protocol log analysis involves checking that the content of messages and
timestamps are correct with respect to the protocol specification. We
model a protocol specification using constraint programming (MiniZinc),
and we present an approach where a constraint solver is used to perform
protocol log analysis. We apply the approach to the Public Warning System ser-
vice, which is a part of the Long Term Evolution (LTE) 4G standard.

Joint work with Mats Carlsson and Justin Pearson

Bio: Olga Grinchtein is a research engineer at Ericsson in Stockholm, she is interesting in constraint programming, testing and big data analytics.

She is also a guest researcher at Uppsala University, in the department of Computer Systems.

She has got a Phd from Uppsala University, under the supervision of Prof. Bengt Jonsson from Uppsala university in 2008. The topic was about machine learning and timed systems.
