School on Secured Smart Object & the Internet of Things, Paris, September 23-25 2014


The school on Secured Smart Object & the Internet of Things, organised by the CNRS-SSO action of ASR, will take place in Paris from September 23th to September-25th.

The school will feature series of lectures provided by renowned researchers and practitioners within the fields of embedded systems and mobile objects. The objective of the school is to bring together the concepts and practices by encompassing basic and advanced courses as well as labs, considering industrial use cases and research challenges. The topics covered by the school include :

– The design of trustworthy hardware and software platforms, including smart cards
– Industrial and research challenges,
– NFC and RFID from a security perspective,
– Dependability of connected objects, e.g., WSN.

This intensive school is addressed to professionals (engineers and managers) and academics (PhD students and researchers) with a background on secured smart objects.

For further information on this event, please follow the link:

« School on Secured Smart Object & the Internet of Things », Paris, September 23th-25th 2014

Presentations of speakers and labs are available below:

Presentation on « Connected Objects, From Macro to IoT » by Julien Bourgeois (Univ. of Franche Comté/FEMTO-ST), Seth Copen Goldstein (Carnegie Mellon University)

Lab on « Embedded NFC » by Emmanuel Conchon, Fabrice Peyrard (IRIT/ENSEEIHT)

Presentation on « RFID Tutorial » by Christophe Loussert (TAGSYS)

Presentation on « RFID and Security » by Claude Tételin (CNRFID)

Presentation on « La RFID par les usages » by François Leblanc (Fréquentiel)

Presentation on « Security Enablers : Trends » by Virginie Galindo (Gemalto)

Presentation on « Mobile Cloud Computing » by Samia Bouzefrane (CNAM)

« RFID Lab » by Gildas Avoine (IRISA)

« Lab on Android Platforms, Cloud Computing » by Fabrice Mourlin (Univ. UPEC, PRES Paris-Est, LACL), and Jean-Marc Farinone (CNAM)