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« Performances, QoS et gestion de ressources des réseaux sans fil dynamiques »

Le vendredi 16 mai 2014 de 15h00 à 17h00

Session du Groupe de Travail

« Performances, QoS et gestion de ressources des réseaux sans fil dynamiques »

Lieu :

Amphi 34 – NanoInnov

Avenue de la Vauve


(GPS : N. 48°42,7575′, E. 02°11,5228′)

  • 14h-15h : Joanna TOMASIK, Professeur à SUPELEC

Coloration de graphes au service de la sécurité nationale : coloration multiple et valuée sur des graphes d’interférence

Résumé : Cet exposé présentera un problème d’allocation de ressources avec des contraintes de coloration dans des graphes modélisant les possibilités d’interférence au sein d’un réseau PMR (Private Mobile Radio), utilisé par les forces de l’ordre, l’armée.

  • 15h-16h : Sofiane IMADALI, PhD candidate, CEA LIST, Communicating Systems Laboratory

VIN6: a VIN-based namespace for Evolutionary Future Vehicular Internet

Abstract: Dynamic IPv6 addressing and routing configuration in vehicular networks is an important challenge that has attracted a fair amount of attention recently. Early proposals adapted fixed-infrastructure and MANET models and thus inherited their latency and overhead. Later, researchers relaxed some of the often restrictive assumptions (e.g., Router Advertisement TTL extension) but still focused on certain limited scenarios. Very recently, in the wake of the emerging concept of Future Internet, a general questioning arose on whether one naming and addressing model suits every network topology. Along this line of research, this presentation poses the terms of this problem in the IP-based vehicular communications area and aims at giving one solution space instance based on the Vehicle Identification Numbers namespace. In this presentation, (1) a comprehensive and detailed tutorial of the main approaches is presented. (2) The Future Internet paradigm as applied to vehicular networking, specifically through VIN namespace for group and infrastructure communications is introduced. (3) An analytical parameterized model to analyze and evaluate the proposals that fit best our communication paradigm is also presented. Depending on the audience, aspects related to privacy, large-scale deployment and revolutionary approaches (CCN-based) might be discussed.