CNRS action « Smart objects and Internet of Things »

Responsibles : Samia Bouzefrane (CNAM – samia . bouzefrane AT cnam .fr) and Maryline Laurent (Télécom SudParis – Maryline . Laurent AT telecom-sudparis . eu)

Keywords : Trust platforms (contact/contactless smartcards), mobile telephony, TPM (Trusted Platform Module), RFID and NFC, TEE (Trusted Execution Environment), Security and privacy, Digital trust, Communicating objects.

Technical and scientific positioning

With the emergence of new information, wireless communication and geolocation technologies, new innovative applications are designed moving towards the Internet of Things.

These objects have usually the following features: extremely constrained in terms of energy, computational power and memory, high mobility, sporadic connectivity, security constraints made necessary by the unreliability of their environment.

Objects must have some of the following properties: « Human-Centered Design », secure (traceability, data collection), trusted, Plug&Play, communicating, social and open.

Objects include the following hard/soft platforms:
– Smartcard (with/without contact)
– Crypto-keys
– Sensors, RFID
– NFC chips
– TPM (Trusted Platform Module)
– TEE (Trusted Execution Environment)
– Mobile Trusted Modules for mobile phones

List of contributors to the action:
– Team SDS (Sécurité et Distribution des Systèmes), Bourges, directed by Pascal Berthomé
– Team SSD (Smart Secure Device), University of Limoges, directed by Jean-Louis Lanet
– Equipe 2XS (Recherche et Développement Dossier Portable / Système et Réseau pour Petits Objets Portables et Sécurisés), University of Lille 1 and INRIA, directed by Gilles Grimaud.
– Team SEMpIA (Système Embarqués et Mobiles pour l’Intelligence Ambiante), CNAM, directed by Anne Wei.
– SAMOVAR lab, Team R3S (Réseaux, Systèmes, Services, Sécurité), Télécom SudParis, directed by Maryline Laurent.
– Research Group of Sophie Chabridon (SAMOVAR lab, Team ACMES – Algorithmes, Composants, Modèles Et Services pour l’informatique répartie – Télécom SudParis)
– Research Group of Pascal Urien (Télécom ParisTech)
– Research Group of Fabrice Peyrard (IRIT / ENSEEIHT)
– SOC lab (Systems on Chips), LIP6
– Research Group of Paul Couderc (Projet ACES, INRIA, IRISA)
– Research Group of Caroline Fenzy-peyre (Orange lab, Sophia-antipolis)
– Research Group of Fabrice Peyrard (Laboratoire IRIT/ENSEEIHT)
– Trusted Labs directed by Boutheina Chetali
– Vérimag lab, team DCS (Distributed and Complex System)
– Research Group of Patrick Mei (Huawei Technologies)
– Research Group of Li Li and Juan Wang (Wuhan university)
– Research Group of Darren Carlson (National University of Singapore)
– Research Group of Peter Rothempieler (Luebeck University, Germany)
– Research Group of Muhammad Younas (Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK)
– Research Group of Jean-Noël Colin (Université de Namur, Belgium)