You are currently viewing Séminaire SAMOVAR « What Matters to Me? Creating Personalized SoLoMo Recommendations »

Séminaire SAMOVAR « What Matters to Me? Creating Personalized SoLoMo Recommendations »

lundi 29 avril 2013 14h30 salle BL006

Alvin CHIN, NOKIA (Researcher on Mobile social network)


« What Matters to Me? Creating Personalized SoLoMo Recommendations »

Alvin CHIN is Senior Researcher, Xpress Internet Services, Mobile Phones Services at Nokia.

Alvin has Bachelors and Masters degrees in Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Toronto, Canada.

His research interests include social networking, computer-supported collaborative work, web and data mining, recommendations, context-aware computing, and pervasive and ubiquitous computing.

Alvin received a Best Paper Award at the IEEE CPSCom 2011 conference. He is the co-author of a forthcoming book called Mobile Social Networking: An Innovative Approach to be published by Springer.

Seminar title: What Matters to Me? Creating Personalized SoLoMo Recommendations

Abstract :

Today, we are becoming flooded with more and more information, we are busy, and we crave for information that is fast and easy to obtain. How to match the right content with ourselves ?

This is the goal of recommender systems, however, most are usually based on user profile and homophily (similar characteristics). The results of recommendation systems might be ok, but they are not exactly in real-time or very personalized, because they do not take into account context that includes social, location and mobile or SoLoMo.

In this talk, I will discuss about three types of personalized recommendations, people, places, and web content based on SoLoMo. First, I will talk about our recommendations of people based on physical proximity and homophily.

Second, I will then discuss about shop recommendations using spatial and temporal context from a group shopping web site.

Finally, I will discuss about content recommendations from the web and how we can use SoLoMo and serendipity to create personalized web content recommendations that are more relevant, interesting and surprising to the user.

Bio :

Alvin Chin is Senior Researcher, Xpress Internet Services, Mobile Phones Services at Nokia. He previously was in the Mobile Social Experiences group at Nokia Research Center, Beijing.

His current research involves studying user behavior on the mobile web and in social networks, mining the big data from browser logs, and creating recommendations of web content based on user profiling and context. His previous research explored how the mobile phone could be used for creating physical proximity social networks to capture and infer context for social activity and collaboration in offline physical environments and online social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter, and also designing improved people recommendation systems that take into account physical context.

Alvin has Bachelors and Masters degrees in Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Toronto, Canada. His research interests include social networking, computer-supported collaborative work, web and data mining, recommendations, context-aware computing, and pervasive and ubiquitous computing. Alvin is an active user of social networking and Web 2.0 technologies, and is a member and reviewer of various program committees such as CSCW, SocialCom, ACM Hypertext, IEEE CPSCom, UIC/ATC, and MobiWIS. He is the General Chair of the IEEE CPSCom 2013 conference that will be held in Beijing, China.

He is also an Associate Editor for the New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia journal. Alvin has published papers in conferences and workshops such as in Hypertext, SocialCom, CSCW, KDD,and UbiComp as well as in journals such as New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, ACM Transactions on Internet Services and Technology and Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.

Alvin received a Best Paper Award at the IEEE CPSCom 2011 conference. He is an Editor of a forthcoming book called Mobile Social Networking: An Innovative Approach to be published by Springer co-edited with Daqing Zhang, has several book chapters, and has presented at both academic and industry events. He can be contacted at, and his web site is at

Contact : Daqing ZHANG