Soutenance de thèse de Muhammad Shoaib SALEEM

Monsieur Muhammad Shoaib SALEEM
Département RS2M – Télécom SudParis – Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Ecole doctorale EDITE – Informatique, Télécommunications – Electronique

lundi 19 novembre 2012 à 15h00 en salle A006 / Télécom SudParis /Evry

Sujet :

« Gestion de la mobilité pour l’Internet du Futur centré autour de l’information »

Jury :

– Jalel BEN OTHMAN Professeur Université Paris 13 Rapporteur

– Sidi-Mohammed SENOUCI Professeur Université de Bourgogne Rapporteur
– André-Luc BEYLOT Professeur INP-ENSEEIHT Examinateur

– Selma BOUMERDASSI MdC, HDR CNAM Examinateur

– Mathieu JAUME MdC, HDR Université Paris 6 Examinateur

– Éric RENAULT MdC, HDR IMT – Télécom SudParis Directeur

Résumé :

The contemporary Internet ecosystem today has gone through series of evolutionary changes
during the last forty or fifty years. Though it was designed as a network with fixed nodes, it
has scaled well enough with the development of new technologies both in fixed and wireless
networks. Initially, the communication model of the Internet was based on the telephone
network (and can be considered as the 1st Generation Internet). Later, its transition as a
client-server model made it a network where communication systems exchange data over
dedicated links. This 2nd Generation Internet, over the years, has been challenged by
many problems and issues such as network congestion, path failure, DOS attacks, mobility
issues for wireless networks, etc. The Internet users always look for some information,
irrespectively where it is located or stored. This approach is the basic building block for a
network architecture where information is considered as the premier entity. Such networks,
in general, are termed as Information Centric Network (ICN), where information takes
centric position superseding the node centric approach like in the current Internet. The
problems faced by the current Internet architecture, mentioned above, can be handled with
a unifying approach by putting the information at the center of the network architecture.
On a global scale, this network architecture design is termed as the Future Information
Centric Internet.
Similarly, Mobile Internet usage has increased overwhelmingly in the last decade. There
has been an estimated 1.2 billion mobile broad-band subscriptions for 2.4 billion Internet
users in 2011. Because of the increased spectrum efficiency and ubiquitous availability
of cellular connectivity, the seamless mobility and connectivity is now considered as daily
life commodity. However, in the case of the Internet, IP based mobility solutions cannot
catch up in performance with the fast evolution of cellular networks. Therefore, one of
the primary goals for the Future Internet is the design of mobility management schemes
that overcome the issues in wireless networks such as handover and location management,
multihoming, security, etc.
In this thesis, we have proposed a mobility management solution in wireless networks
in the context of ICN in general and in the context of Network of Information (NetInf)
in particular. NetInf is an ICN-based Future Internet architecture. We propose a NetInf
Mobile Node (NetInf MN) architecture which is backward compatible with the current
Internet architecture as well. This cross architecture design for mobility support works
closely with Central Control Unit (CCU) (network entity) for improved performance in
case of handover management in wireless networks. The Virtual Node Layer (VNL) algorithm explains how different modules of NetInf MN and CCU units work together. The
game theoretical and Reinforcement Learning (CODIPAS-RL) scheme based mathematical
model shows how handover management and data relaying in the wireless networks can
increase the network coverage through cooperative diversity. Simulation results show that
the proposed model achieves both Nash and Stackelberg equilibria where as the selected
CODIPAS-RL scheme reaches global optimum.
Finally, as a use case example of NetInf architecture, we propose the NetInf Email
service that does not require dedicated servers or dedicated port unlike the current email
service. The use of asymmetric keys as user’s ID is the unique feature proposed for this
service. The NetInf email service architecture framework presented, explains how different
architectural components work together. We discuss different challenges and requirements
related to this service. The prototype developed for the Network of Information will be
used for the implementation of this service.