A Unified Neural Scheme for Facial Image Understanding : by Pr. Christophe Garcia

Subject: Séminaire : « A Unified Neural Scheme for Facial Image Understanding » by Pr. Christophe Garcia

*What: *A Unified Neural Scheme for Facial Image Understanding

*Who: *Pr. Christophe Garcia

LIRIS, UMR 5205 CNRS, INSA Lyon, UCB Lyon 1, EC Lyon, Univ. Lyon 2
lien vers le laboratoire LIRIS

*When: *Mardi 29 mars 2011 Ă  11h30

*Where: *Salle C002 (DĂ©partement EPH)

*Résumé-Abstract :*

Over the last decade, facial image processing has become a very active research field due to the large number of possible applications, such as model-based video coding, image retrieval, surveillance and biometrics, visual speech understanding, virtual characters for e-learning, entertainment and intelligent human-computer interaction.

With the introduction of new powerful machine learning techniques, statistical classification methods and complex deformable models, recent progress has been made on face detection and tracking, person identification, facial expression and emotion recognition, gender classification, face coding and virtual face synthesis.

However, much progress is still to be made to provide more robust systems, in order to cope with the variability of facial image appearances caused by lighting conditions, poses and expressions, image noise and partial occlusions, in an unconstrained, real-world context.

Among these machine learning approaches, Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets) are powerful models that tightly couple local feature detection, global model construction and classification in a single architecture where all parameters are conjointly learnt.

They alleviate the limitations of the traditional hand-designed feature extraction and selection steps, by automatically learning optimal filters and classifiers that are very robust to noise.

In this presentation, we will show that ConvNets are very effective for facial image processing by presenting different architectures and learning schemes, designed for face detection, facial feature detection, face alignment, gender classification and face recognition.


Christophe received his PhD degree in computer vision from the University of Lyon I, France, in 1994 and his « Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches » (HDR) from Insa-Lyon / University of Lyon I, in 2009.

From 1992 to 1997, he has been involved in various computer vision and robotics research projects at the IBM Vision Automation Group, France, the Computer Vision Center of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and the German National Research Center (now Fraunhofer Institute).

From 1997 to 2000, he has been a researcher at the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH), Greece, where he was involved in several advanced EU projects in the field of video and image analysis.

From 2000 to 2002, he was a visiting Professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Crete, Greece, where he was teaching Artificial Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition.

In 2003, he spent 10 months at IRISA-INRIA, Rennes, France, working in the field of automatic video structuring and indexing.

From 2004 to 2010, Christophe has been working in France Telecom R&D / Orange Labs, as a Fellow Expert Researcher in Pattern Recognition, Neural Networks and Image Indexing and manager of the Multimedia Content Analysis Technologies group.

Since November 2010, He is a Full Professor at INSA-LYON, working in the “Laboratoire d’InfoRmatique en Image et SystĂšmes d’information” (LIRIS).

His current technical and research activities are in the areas of neural networks, pattern recognition, image and video indexing, and computer vision.

He holds 22 industrial patents and has published more than 110 articles in international conferences and journals.

He is currently associate editor of the Int. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (Elsevier), Image and Video Processing (Hindawi), and Pattern Analysis and Application (Springer-Verlag).

Contact :
Bernadette Dorizzi
Professeur à Télécom SudParis, département EPH
Chargee de mission Saclay-Palaiseau
9 rue Charles Fourier, 91011 EVRY
tel + 33 1 60 76 46 54
mob + 33 6 71 92 52 65
bureau C408

