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[GT GIE Gestion Intelligente de l Energie] 2017, Lancement d’une nouvelle plateforme Europeenne ETIP SNET (Smart Networks for Energy Transition)

2017, Lancement d’une nouvelle plateforme Europeenne ETIP SNET (Smart Networks for Energy Transition)

La Commission europĂ©enne soutien et dĂ©veloppe via le programme de travail horizon 2020 et notamment le projet INTENSYS4EU – Integrated Energy System: a pathway for Europe, la plateforme ETIP SNET (European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition)

Des appels à candidature d' »Experts » pour rejoindre les groupes de travail liés à cette initaitive sont/seront lancés. Pour en savoir plus visitez le site Internet :

The ETIP SNET Mission is to:

Set-out a vision for research and innovation for Smart Networks for Energy Transition and engage stakeholders in this vision
Prepare and update the Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas
Report on the implementation of RD&I activities at European, national/regional and industrial levels
Provide input to the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan)
Identify innovation barriers, notably related to regulation and financing
Develop enhanced knowledge-sharing mechanisms that help bring RD&I results to deployment
Prepare consolidated stakeholder views on Research and Innovation to European Energy Policy initiatives

The ETIP SNET organisation/governance:

– The Governing Board steers the platform where stakeholder associations send representatives

– Working Groups (5) are open for experts to participate and provide input to the Governing Board
WG1: Reliable, economic and efficient smart grid systems
Chair: Vicente Gonzalez Lopez, REE representing ENTSO-E (TSOs)
Co-chairs: Werner Friedl, AIT representing EUREC (Research & Academia) and Raphael Rinaldi, ENEL Distribuzione (DSOs)

WG2: Storage technologies and sector interfaces
Chair: Cristina La Marca, ENEL (DSOs, Storage, Flexible and RES Generation)
Co-chairs: Carlos Arsuaga, CIRCE (Research and Academia) and Mathilde Bieber, G.E (Equipment suppliers)

WG3: Flexible generation
Chair: Michael Ladwig, G.E., on behalf of EUTurbines (Equipment suppliers)
Co-chairs: Jesus Garcia Martin, Iberdrola Renovables (RES generation) and Pascal Fontaine, CMI Energy (Flexible Generation)

WG4: Digitisation of the electricity system and customer participation
Chair: Maher Chebbo, SAP, representing ESMIG (ICT Technology Providers)
Co-chairs: Miguel Sanchez Fornie, Iberdrola, representing EUTC (ICT Technology Providers) and Esther Hardi, Alliander (DSOs)

WG5: Innovation implementation in the business environment
Chair: Emmanouil Kakaras, MHPSE on behalf of EPPSA and EASE (Equipment suppliers, Storage and Sector Interface)
Co-chairs: Venizelos Efthymiou, University of Cyprus, representing EURELECTRIC (DSOs, Research and Academia) and Pepyn Fluks, Alliander (DSOs)

– A National Stakeholders Coordination Group to liaise with various national actors.

a 6th working group gathering representatives from national stakeholders is being created. Its main aim is to foster knowledge sharing on Member States’ activities in smart networks and to better streamline the European and national funding efforts in the area of smart grids, storage and integrated energy systems.
The working group chairs will participate in the ETIP SNET’s executive committee which is led by Konstantin Staschus representing ENTSO-E (TSOs) as ETIP Chair, Nikos Hatziargyriou representing EDSO for Smart Grids (DSOs) and Thierry Le Boucher representing EASE (storage) as ETIP Vice-Chairs.