Le prochain séminaire mensuel du département « Information, Communications, Electronique » d’IP Paris aura lieu mardi 5 novembre 2024, à 14h00.
Il se tiendra à Télécom Paris (Palaiseau), amphi 4.
Pour ceux qui ne seront pas sur place, un accès distant sera possible :
Vous trouverez ci-dessous le thème du séminaire ainsi qu’une biographie de l’orateur.
Engineered surfaces: from concept to applications
Shah Nawaz BUROKUR
Université Paris Nanterre
Mardi 5 novembre à 14h00, amphi 4
Engineered surfaces known as metasurfaces allow manipulating electromagnetic waves in an unprecedented manner. In a first step, I will introduce the concept of metasurfaces and define their classification (dense, sparse and metagratings). Then, I will review some metasurface designs and their applications related to antennas and electromagnetic devices at microwave frequencies. Finally, I will present the ongoing trend and some outlooks for the future.
Shah Nawaz Burokur is currently an Associate Professor with Université Paris Nanterre, France, where he carries his research activities in the field of microwave metasurfaces. His current research interests are in the areas of engineered surfaces, in the analysis of integrated planar and conformal circuits, antennas, radomes, orbital angular momentum and holographic imaging. He has co-authored 1 book on transformation optics based antennas, 7 book chapters and more than 180 articles in scientific journals and holds four patents on metasurface-based devices.