[ICE] Seminaire ICE, mardi 4 avril a 14h : « The new challenges of antenna miniaturisation »

Le prochain séminaire mensuel du département « Information, Communications, Electronique » d’IP Paris aura lieu mardi 4 avril, à 14h. Il se tiendra à Télécom Paris (Palaiseau), amphi 5

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Vous trouverez ci-dessous le thème du séminaire ainsi qu’une biographie de l’orateur.

The new challenges of antenna miniaturisation

Christophe DELAVEAUD, CEA-LETI, Grenoble

Mardi 4 avril 2023 à 14h00, amphi 5

Many wireless communication applications (IoT, RFID, 5G) require antennas with very small dimensions compared to the operating wavelength. The development of this type of miniaturized antenna is a particular field of compromise on the radioelectric performance of antennas (directivity, bandwidth, efficiency) in relation to the fundamental laws of physics. The evolution of the needs and uses aiming in particular at the energy saving of electronic devices leads to revisit the classically accepted compromises and incites to develop new research axes to optimize the performances of miniature antennas. We will present the results of recent developments in this field, addressing in particular the improvement of radiation efficiency, the smart integration of miniature antennas on communicating objects and the superdirectivity techniques for focusing the radiation of compact antenna.


Christophe Delaveaud completed a PhD in Optical Communication and Microwave Techniques in 1996 at University of Limoges. After industrial experience in company Radiall (Voreppe, France), he joined in 2002 the Electronic and Information Technology Laboratory of the French Atomic Energy and Alternatives Energy Commission (CEA-Leti), based in Grenoble (France). As senior expert in 2003, he obtained his HDR at University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (2010). Since 2010, he heads the Antennas and Propagation Laboratory of CEA-Leti and was appointed Research Director in 2019. His research areas range from electromagnetism applied to antennas (miniature, reconfigurable, multi-antenna systems), to propagation and microwave circuits for RF transmitters. C. Delaveaud has contributed to more than 285 papers and communications in major revues and conferences in the field of antennas and RF circuits, and is involved in 25 patents. He was co-recipient of different awards in conferences (best papers of AMTA 2008, 2nd Prize Best Poster at MMA 2014, Special Prize at IWAT 2020, Student paper honorable mention at ISAP 2022).