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« IP Mobility Enhancements for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks »

Soutenance de thèse de Mme Zeynep GÜRKAŞ AYDIN qui se tiendra le 30 janvier 2014 en salle A003 (Visio Centre) à 10h30.

« IP Mobility Enhancements for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks »

Le jury :

  • Steven MARTIN Rapporteur Maître de Conférences (HDR) à l’université Paris Sud
  • Nathalie MITTON Rapporteur Chargé de recherche (HDR) à INRIA
  • Rami LANGAR Examinateur Maître de Conf. (HDR) à l’université Pierre et Marie Curie
  • Alexis OLIVEREAU Examinateur Ingénieur Chercheur à CEA Saclay
  • Anis LAOUITI Examinateur Maître de Conférences à Telecom SudParis
  • Hakima CHAOUCHI Co-directrice Professeur à Telecom SudParis
  • Tülin ATMACA Co-directrice Professeur à Telecom SudParis
  • Halim ZAİM Co-encadrant Professeur à l’université d’Istanbul

Le résumé :

Over the last decades, with rapid and tremendous growth of IP networks in mobile and wireless environments, mobility management and session continuity has become a more important issue. As the heterogeneity increases in network environments and gradual spread of Internet of Things wave, the integration of different types of wireless networks in the IP layer became a challenging and inevitable research area. Mobility management based on IP protocols is not yet efficient enough to be used for large-scale service deployment.

One of the most important issues related to the performance of mobility management is related to the fact that the application layer suffers from the changing of IP addresses during the movement of the mobile node. It is expected the network layer and above layers to be aware of movement of mobile nodes. In fact, the application layer established and ongoing sessions rely on the current IP address and the port number pair. New wave in the improvement ideas on this concept is separating the session identification and the location identification in the network.

According to these concepts, Host Identity Protocol (HIP) is one of the dominant and prominent researches work that was proposed by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) and IRTF (Internet Research Task Force). This protocol proposes to solve the locator/identifier split problem by also including the security support which is a serious issue in securing mobile nodes new registrations to the network. In this thesis, predominantly HIP protocol is examined and new mobility enhancements based on this protocol have been designed and introduced.