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Séminaire SAMOVAR

« Scalable Measurement and Security Services »

14 novembre à 14h00 salle C06 à TELECOM SudParis / Evry.

Présenté par Georg Carle Professeur /department of computer science at Technische Universität München, holding the chair for Network Architectures and Services.


Internet evolution towards the Internet of Things includes the emergence
of smart spaces, representing highly complex systems that include
various, partially safety-relevant services. Many approaches for
establish measurement and security services rely on complex
configuration by professional administrators. In this talk, approaches
for measurement and security are presented that feature favourable
scalability properties. These approaches include a decentralized
orchestration for smart spaces, decentralized management of
authentication and authorisation, supported by hardware-based security
components including Trusted Computing and smart card technology, and
distributed measurements.


Georg Carle is professor at the department of computer science at
Technische Universität München, holding the chair for Network
Architectures and Services.

He studied electrical engineering at University of Stuttgart. Studies
abroad included a Master of Science degree in Digital Systems at Brunel
University, London, and a project at Ecole Nationale Superieure des
Telecommunications, Paris. He did his PhD in Computer Science at
University of Karlsruhe, being supported by a graduate school
scholarship. Subsequently, he worked as postdoctoral researcher at
Institut Eurecom, Sophia Antipolis, France, supported by a scholarship
from the European Commission. From there, he moved to Berlin, working
for five years at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication
Systems, and teaching at TU Berlin. In 2003, he joined University of
Tübingen as a full professor, founding the newly established chair on
computer networks and internet. After five at University of Tübingen, he
accepted an offer to join Technische Universität München.

His work covers design and implementation of Internet technologies,
addressing network security, peer-to-peer and overlay networks,
measurements and automated management, seamless internetworking services
over fixed and mobile technologies. He has been serving as Managing
Director of the Department of Computer Science at TU München, as member
of the management board of the German computer science faculties, and as
chair of the IFIP Working Group 6.2 on Network and Internetwork

Contact : Maryline Laurent