Soutenance de thèse de Wassim Drira : « Un système de collecte sécurisé et de gestion des données pour les réseaux de capteurs sans fils ».

M. Wassim DRIRA
Département RS2M – Télécom SudParis – Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Ecole doctorale EDITE – Informatique, Télécommunications – Electronique

10 décembre 2012 à 13h00 dans les locaux de l’Institut Mines-Télécom à Télécom SudParis, Évry (91), en Amphi 10.

Sujet : Un système de collecte sécurisé et de gestion des données pour les réseaux de capteurs sans fils.

Jury :
Pr. Dijiang Huang, Arizona State University, USA, Rapporteur
Pr. Pascal Berthomé, ENSI-Bourges, France, Rapporteur
Pr. Guy Pujolle, Université Paris 6, France, Examinateur
Pr. Khaldoun Al Agha, Université Paris-Sud, France, Examinateur
Pr. Jean-Louis Lanet, Université de limoges, France, Examinateur
Dr. Samia Bouzefrane, CNAM, France, Examinateur
Pr. Djamal Zeghlache, Télécom sudparis, France, Directeur
Dr. Éric Renault, Télécom sudparis, France, Directeur

Résumé :

In the last decade, wireless sensor network (WSN) domain had benefit from a huge development effort and a major technological boom of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems which make, nowa-days, each user or organization already connected to a large number of nodes (mobile phone, network monitoring, sensors in the home, the sensors on the body, etc. .). These nodes generate a substantial amount of data, making the management and storage of data not an obvious issue.
However, these nodes have, in general, a limited memory and processing capabilities, so they are unable to store and manage the associated data flow. In addition, these data can contain user’s confidential data (location, health, etc.). For these reasons, developing a secure system managing the collection, storage, indexing, sharing of data and alerts generation from heterogeneous sensor nodes is a real need for users and organizations.

In the first part of the thesis, we developed a middleware for wireless sensor networks to
communicate with the physical sensors for storing, processing, indexing, analyzing and generating alerts on those sensors data. The middleware is composite-based system. A composite is a software component that is connected to a physical node like a sensor node, a mobile phone or a gateway, etc. or used to aggregate and process data from different composites. Each physical node that has the capability to communicate with the middleware should be setup as a composite. A composite is a set of instances of components interconnected using services. There are some default components while new components can be added easily. The middleware has been tested and used in the context of the European project Mobesens in order to receive, store, process, index and analyze data from a sensor network for monitoring water quality.
In the second part of the thesis, we proposed a new hybrid authentication and key estab-
lishment scheme that will focus on the relationship between the three parties forming Wireless
Body Area Networks (WBANs), e.g. the senor node (SN), the mobile node (MN) and the
storage server (SS) or the middleware. The scheme combines symmetric cryptography and
identity-based cryptography. Nodes having scarce resources use symmetric keys, while those
having more resources use asymmetric keys. It is based on two protocols. The first protocol
intent is the mutual authentication between SS and MN, on providing an asymmetric pair of
keys for MN, and on establishing a pairwise key between them. The second protocol aims at
authenticating them, and establishing a group key and pairwise keys between SN and the two

The middleware that was originally designed to be used by a single user or organization,
has been generalized in the third part of the thesis in order to provide a private space for each
organization or user to manage his sensors data using cloud computing. Next, we expanded the composite with gadgets that can be integrated into the portal of the organization, the user or a third party portal to share sensor data and then provide a social portal for sensor networks.