You are currently viewing Séminaire vendredi 25 septembre 14h30 GT DigiCosme « Performances, QoS et gestion de ressources des réseaux sans fil dynamiques »

Séminaire vendredi 25 septembre 14h30 GT DigiCosme « Performances, QoS et gestion de ressources des réseaux sans fil dynamiques »


Session du Groupe de Travail DigiCosme
« Performances, QoS et gestion de ressources des réseaux sans fil dynamiques »
Lieu : Amphi 33, bâtiment 862 – NanoInnov
Avenue de la Vauve
(GPS : N. 48°42,7575′, E. 02°11,5228′)

Entrée libre

14h30-15h30: Luigi Aztori, Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Cagliari and Research Associate at the Multimedia Communications Laboratory of CNIT, Italy – Titre: Trustworthiness and navigability in the social Internet of Things

The integration of social networking concepts into the Internet of Things has led to the Social Internet of Things (SIoT) paradigm, according to which objects are capable of establishing social relationships in an autonomous way with respect to their owners with the benefits of improving the network scalability in information/service discovery. After an introduction of the SIoT paradigm, this talk focuses on two problems: trustworthiness management and friendship selection. As to the trustworthiness management two models are discussed: in the subjective model each node computes the trustworthiness of its friends on the basis of its own experience and of the opinion of the friends in common with the potential service providers; in the objective model, the information about each node is distributed and stored making use of a distributed hash table structure so that any node can make use of the same information. As to the friendship selection, the major principle is to consider its impact on overall network navigability. The proposed heuristics are based on local network properties and on their impact on the overall network structure in terms of number of giant components, average degree of connections, local clustering and average path length.

Luigi Atzori is Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Cagliari (Italy) and Research Associate at the Multimedia Communications Laboratory of CNIT (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni).

L. Atzori research interests are in computer networking, with particular emphasis on service management for Internet of Things and in wireless sensor networks, and multimedia communications, with a focus on multimedia QoE and wireless video streaming. L. Atzori is senior member of IEEE, chair of the Steering Committee of the IEEE Multimedia Communications Committee (MMTC) and co-chair of the IEEE 1907.1 standard on “Network-Adaptive Quality of Experience (QoE) Management Scheme for Real-Time Mobile Video Communications”. He is the coordinator of the European Marie Curie Initial Training Network on QoE for multimedia services (, which involves ten European Institutions in Europe and one in South Korea. He has been the editor for the ACM/Springer Wireless Networks Journal and guest editor for the IEEE Communications Magazine, the Springer Monet Journal and the Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communications Journal. He is member of the editorial board of the IEEE IoT, the Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks and the Advances on Multimedia journals. He served as a technical program chair for various international conferences and workshops. He served as reviewer and panellist for many funding agencies, including FP7, Cost Action, Italian MIUR and Regional funding agency.